Yesterday marked a month my dad has been in the ICU at the U of U. WOW!
It has seemed like forever that he has been sick but looking back at the last month it has flown by. With all the ups and downs we have gone through. A month long of agony because he is still critical and as they keep telling us "not out of the woods yet". UGH!
He had been making some big improvements the last few weeks. On Thursday he caught pneumonia and had a rough weekend but was starting to make more improvements.
Yesterday his WBC went up again. Now they are thinking he has a infection in his abdomen from sugery.
Yesterday was also my mom's 57th birthday. We celebrated the day with her favorite pizza and chocolate cake. It was the first birthday party my mom has spent without my dad in 40 years.
Everyday I continue to learn what matters most to me in life.
My family is the most important thing to me! ALL of them! My kids are amazing little people. They miss there mommy being gone so much. But they understand that grandpa needs me to. My hubby is as I have said before an AMAZING man! We have had so many up and downs in our life together and he has been my rock beside me the whole time!
My friends are in the running for number one also. I have many unconditional friends in my life. It doesn't matter what happens they love me anyways! They have been a huge blessing to me!
I have also again realized how much I need to continue to trust in god!
"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way, grace for the trials, help from above, unfailing sympathy, undying love".
So for TODAY we are not looking back at
yesterday we are looking forward to today!
Hope for the best, expect the worst & go with what God gives you!!
~ God will carry you when you feel you can't go any farther!! ~