Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Carving that perfect pumpkin.....

Our annual pumpkin carving this year was held at the fire house...Aunt Val always plans a great party for the young and old kids. First we fill up on some yummy foods so that we can have plenty of energy to carve our pumpkins.

Blu and Rodger really get into their work!

John and Ang helping Colby carve his pumpkin

Cute Miss Brooklyn!

The Torgersons doing a little punkin carving!

Kendyl bugs and her cute pumpkin

Lots of fun memories are made and we have time to catch up with our cousins and friends!

"Blu best" and Kyson

After we get them done we line them up and admire all the good work that the kids put into it!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

In search of the perfect pumpkin

Kagan, Haddy, Kaysha, Ang and I went to the pumpkin patch in Elsinoire. The kids love to go there. They are so friendly and make sure the kids have a great time!    

Notice Kaysh is in every picture in some way! She loves the camera.

Kaysha and Haddy looking for some gords to decorate with.
Kagan and Haddy skipping around looking for pumpkins.

After we found the perfect pumpkin the kids went for a ride on the train...Love the little caboose!

We had a great time looking for pumpkins. Never a dull moment with those 3 cute kids!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Anniversay today.....

Today we are celebrating my mom and dads 41st wedding anniversary. It is a very hard day for my mom. As time goes by things seem to be getting harder...

Michelle and I are trying to make the best of it for her (Acutally Michelle is the brains behind it). She reminds me so much of my dad :)...My dad always sent my mom flowers and took her to dinner. I remember as a kid going with them to celebrate their anniversay. My dad never forgot even one of them.

This picture was their 30th wedding anniversary. My dad suprised my mom with a new wedding ring. He is the sweetest man ever! Love them both!

My dads headstone was set last week. It is very hard to see this. It makes it so permament and too real! We miss my dad very much. I know he is with us every day and it still taking good care of us from heaven!

                                                                     (Front View)

(Back of headstone)
My mom and I went out on Friday and decorated it with many fall decorations. It looks really nice out there. It made me feel better to decorate my dad and Eric's place of rest.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

By chance..... Probably not!

We have talked a lot with Kaysha about getting baptised....We put off going to church because of our own selfish reasons... Then Kaysha decided that she was ready to be baptised.

So just by chance that week the missionaries stopped by to see if there was anything they could do for us...I said yes that my little girl is wanting to be baptised. Then we set an appointment for them to return.

Our first missionaries were Elder Hare and Elder Gillmore. We learned many things. My kids were challenged to learn to pray to Heavenly Father...They started out very scared and shy about doing it...Now they beg to be able to say the prayer. I remember Kag's first prayer he ever said he recited the pledge of allegiance.

After a transfer of missionaries we had Elder Hare and Elder Barrett. Elder Barrett was very hard to relate with...He made this journey a little difficult to continue with. We made many excuses as to why we couldn't meet with them.

Another transfer brought Elder Curlee with Elder Barrett and he gave Elder Barrett a run for his money...Elder Curlee brought a great spirit with him.. There was an instant attachment between "The Becksteads" and Elder Curlee...

The best transfer of all brought Elder Curlee and Elder Dyer together...They helped make huge transformations for our family...Through their lessons and kind spirits they brought the gospel to our home..It will forever change our little family! We began praying together, reading the Book of Mormon, and attending church...This brought our family closer than it had ever been... I will be forever grateful to those two missionaries.

On August 20th Kaysha and I were baptised together by my best friends son Colton Ogden...A moment that this mom will never forget! We had many family and close friends that attended. Sunday we were confirmed by Dave Jensen who is Kaysha's uncle... It was an amazing feeling and I hope that I can keep it with me forever..

Elder Ogden is leaving tomorrow to serve his mission in the Scotland/Ireland area... He is going to make an unbelievable missionary...He will touch many peoples life's.

As for Kaysha and I this will be a day we will never forget! A bond we will continue to have through eternity!

Before the missionaries started coming I prayed every night that heavenly father would help me to become a better person, friend, wife, and mother. I also prayed to help me find a way to deal with the sudden loss of my father.I was just sure that all the turmoil and trials that I had gone through in my life was self inflicted due to something I had been doing wrong...

I understand now that it is LIFE and trials are what we all go through...They teach us lessons and turn us into the people we are....And I wouldn't want to trade me for anything!

As for my dad...My grandma sent me his genealogy the other day and I learned that he was baptised into the LDS church when he was 8. I had no idea that he was...I plan to one day do his temple work and I now have peace knowing that I will get to see him again!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Kag's 1st lawn mow.....

Kag has been wanting to mow the lawn for many years. I kept telling him when you get bigger you can mow the lawn....Well that moment has came. He is BIGGER! How did it happen! My baby is old enough to mow the lawn. He did a fabulous job! He is better at making straight lines than I am.

Then once we began mowing the lawn it started to rain...We kept mowing for awhile because I thought what the heck....We will dry!

Kaysha and Kendyl played in the rain also...

Kag took a break to enjoy the rain!

It was one of the funnest days I have had in a long time!

Love all these cute little kids! Wish I could keep them like this forever! :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Marysvale Rodeo

The 24th of July rodeo in Marysvale was HOT but lots of fun! The kids stayed cool with spray bottles and lots of water fights!

Blu my hot hubby/ hot flag boy/ hot pick up man! It is so fun to watch him doing what he loves!

Kagan and Deagan have looked forward to going with Blu to get ready for the rodeo since the last 24th. Deag was sound asleep that morning and all I had to say was "who wants to go with Uncle Blu to the rodeo?" and he jumped up out of bed to get ready to go. I packed them both a lunch and sent them with Blu. They both had the biggest grins ever!

Blu, Marty and Owen have been friends for years! They do a great job at getting the rodeo together and putting on a great show!

Great weekend with lots of yummy food, friends and family!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kaysha's "best birthday ever! "

Kaysha has been working on us for a few years trying to get a cell phone...I have always told her that when she was 11 I would let her have a phone....Blu and I gave in...She was so excited to open up her phone...It is a very used phone and we already had a 3rd line for our house...I put a stylish Zebra print cover on it and she absolutely loves it!

We had cake and ice cream at the house and then we went swimming for Kaysha's birthday party...As always we had a great time...The dads were sore the next morning after trying new flips off the diving boards...Most of then turned into back flops and belly flops!

Kaysha said,"this was the best birthday ever"!

Happy 9th birthday baby girl! I love you so much!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

MSHA Recognition

My dad's office called and they are putting an article in the MSHA magazine in honor of my dad. This is the article they are putting in. It is bittersweet. I am so proud of my dad and I love to see it but at the same time it makes me cry.... He should still be here with us.... I love you Dad and miss you so much!

John “Rick” Cooper

Rick Cooper was born on March 23, 1952 in Durango, Colorado. He passed away January 14, 2011 due to complications from a recent illness in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Rick served his country in the United States Air Force from 1970-1974.

Rick loved spending time with his family and friends. He had just celebrated his 40th wedding anniversary with his wife Vickie. His children include Brian Cooper, Eric Cooper, and twin daughters Michelle Brazell and Alicia Beckstead. Rick had 10 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.

He loved life and enjoyed being outdoors hunting, fishing, horseback riding, boating and camping.

Rick took pride in his work making sure that all the miners were safe and protected. He was set to retire in 2012 from his years served with the federal government.
We will miss his friendly smile and willingness to help out wherever needed.

Donations can be made on his behalf to American Veterans at

His family is deeply saddened by his sudden passing. They would greatly appreciate to hear of any memories or thoughts. Please send them to:
Michelle Brazell
508 West 600 North
Richfield, Ut 84701

Friday, May 13, 2011

Easter weekend we spent in Escalante, UT filled with rain, mud, 116 miles ridden on the back of a 4-wheeler,lots of yummy food, and BEST of all great family.

We went down on Friday night. Set up camp ate yummy food and laughed a lot! The kids were so excited to go down and camp for 3 days and play.

Saturday morning we planned a trip to the Hole in the Rock at Lake Powell. Despite the rainy cold weather we headed out.

Our first stop on our ride to the Whole in the Rock.

Kaysha my litle poser

The Whole in the Rock was awesome. I can't believe how determined the pioneers were and all that they went through to get through that rock! Pretty amazing!

Haddy and her most favorite aunt! Love you Haddy!

Easter Morning after the rained stopped the kids did the usual easter egg throw...

Before we went to Escalante we colored Easter eggs at Aunt Chell's and as always we had a blast!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Birthday today....

Happy 34th Birthday today to my brother Eric. I miss you lots and think about you often.....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy 59th Birthday.....

To the best Grandpa EVER

We LOVE you!
Kaysha and Kagan

Kaysha and Kagan wanted to have a brithday party for grandpa yesterday. So we took some balloons to the cemetery and on the way home talked about our fun memories of grandpa. They miss grandpa so much! When Kagan gets sad thinking about grandpa not being here he says, "I always think about the fun things I did with grandpa and it makes me happy". I have so much to learn from my sweet amazing kids! I love them both so much!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Two months ago today you left this earth to be our angel in heaven. Not a day goes by that I do not think about you and miss you so much! Everyone keeps telling me that with time missing you will get easier.... I am not sure that will ever happen. I wish that I could give you a great big hug and see your sweet smile! I love you so much!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sad day for mommy...

Yesterday I picked Kagan up from his dad. He was with Blu while he was riding horses.... Usually when Kag sees his mommy he runs and give me a big hug.... WELL not this time... First of all he didn't want to go with me. Then when I talked him into coming with me I tried to pick him up and give him a hug... He said no hugs mom.. WHAT he's to little to not want to hug mommy! Then we get home and I kissed him and the little turkey tried to wipe it off. What the heck! He has always been mommy's little boy!

So that is it! He is totally GROUNDED from playing with his dad!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

He has so much to put up with being married to me...
Especially lately...
When all I do is cry.....
and feel picked on and being way to sassy....

And he can still tell me...
I love you
you are great
thank you for all you do
way to be tough
everything is going to be OK
our kids are so lucky to have a mom like you
you look hot!

Thank you Blu for being mine and the most kind hearted loving man a girl could ever ask for! I LOVE YOU!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kag's 7th birthday!!!

I love this little man! When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday he said, "Get me whatever you want. You know what I like."

We had a great day! He had a "boy" birthday party this time. In February it is a little hard to come up with fun things to do for birthdays. Kag had a Wii party. I got a medal pan on a pedestal and put pop in it. We had big bowls of popcorn with candy everywhere. I am sure their parents loved me when the kids went home... Oh well we had a BLAST!!!

One of Kag's little friends said, My dad doesn't let me eat in the living room. I said, well Kag doesn't really either we are just doing this for his birthday. The little boy says, Well I think Kag is a lot more spoiled than I am. LOL!!!

We had Kag's family birthday party at McDonalds. Best party place ever! You show up with the birthday boy and everything is ready. After you are done you get to leave the mess there!

Kag told me he had the best day ever and I am the best mommy ever! Love it!